Environmental factors in an area always tend to affect everything else within that ecosystem in various different ways. Two of the ones I would probably want to experiment on would be sunlight and rain. Both largely affect their surroundings and would probably be easy to find ways of experimenting with them, most likely involving plants.
For an experiment on sunlight, I would probably begin with two small plants about equal size. I have an idea of which sides of the Emma campus that get sunrise and sunset, and therefore also which side has more sun time. I would start by taking a photo of either plant and putting one on the side that gets sunrise and the other on the side that gets sunset. I would take a photo of the plant each day and see what changes either has on the plant.
For the experiment on rain, I would have plants again. Both of them I would place in the same window so there would be the same amount of sunlight and air temperature. I would once again take pictures of both plants to show how they look when I begin, and each day I would add one amount of water to one plant and a different amount to the next, following that taking a photo of the plant. I would do this to record how much change there would be in the plant effected by how much water the plant gets between a dryer environment or a wetter, more rainy one.
Very nice posts, Shae - thorough and complete. Keep up the good work!