Thursday, January 10, 2013

Blog 15: E. Coli

E. coli is a bacteria that is usually safe to have in the body. It makes vitamins that the body needs from inside our bodies which then absorb those vitamins which aids digestion. There is another form of E. coli though known as O157:H7 which is a virus that changes the genetic material inside the bacteria and as it multiplies it causes the disease e. coli. These virus-effected bacteria then produce a toxin that is harmful to the body and causes damage to the intestines and hemorrhaging as well as loss in water and salt and damage to blood vessels.


  1. You are missing your presentation.

    Good review here.

    "E. coli" should be italicized.

    Seems like you should reference this information.

  2. Shae, where is blog 17?

    Be sure to make it a proper link.
